Welcome to

Georgetown Church of the Nazarene


Love God, Love People, and Serve the World

Sundays ay 10:45 AM | Wednesdays 6:30 PM

Love God, Love People, Serve the World.


Our vision is to be a community of believers who Love God instinctively,
Love People unconditionally, and Serve the World continually. 

It is our goal to grow in our faith through our worship services, Sunday school classes, LifeGroups, Wednesday night classes, and service inside and outside the church so we can become more like Christ in our daily lives. 



When we gather on Sunday mornings, we join together in song. We find unity as we sing songs of adoration, thanksgiving, and repentance. You’ll hear new songs, old songs, and contemporary hymns that all point to the glory of our living God. Most importantly you will hear (and be a part of!) God-honoring, God-glorifying, God-exalting, gospel-centered worship.

You can listen to some of the songs we sing on this Spotify playlist.



The center of our service is hearing from the scriptures. Every Sunday we hear relevant, timely, and applicable messages to our everyday lives.  Our pastor communicates in a biblical and practical way that challenges and helps us live out our faith.


We come to the table of Communion frequently. We participate in the ancient act of eating the bread of Christ’s body, drinking the cup of Christ’s blood, and thus tangibly remembering His death until He comes again. When we gather, it’s an ancient and open table--open to take or
not to take. It’s available for the committed and accessible for the curious.




At Gtown Naz Kids, your child won’t have a chance to be bored! Newborns through 5th graders have a ton of fun as they learn about Jesus through worship, age-specific lessons, and a variety of exciting activities.

Our goal is to help families grow in Christ.


At Pulse Youth Ministries, we want to help teens come to know Jesus and become more like Jesus. If you’re a middle school or high school student, or you’re an adult who loves dodgeball and Jesus, come hang out with us! 

We care about you and who God has called you to be.


We were designed to thrive in community with others. LifeGroups are a place where
community and sustained life change happen. They are a place where we study God's word, apply it to our daily lives, relate with others, and simply be ourselves.

LifeGroups meet Sunday nights in homes across Georgetown and Scott County.

LifeGroups connect people together to "share life" by developing real relationships.